Our Approach

People are poor witnesses of their own behaviour.

That’s the core principle that underpins our thinking. Genuinely useful insight doesn’t come from what people say they think…

Our beliefs

Close the Say-Do Gap

People don’t do what they say they do. All of our research methods work to bypass this gap between what people say they do, and what they actually do, in order to reach meaningful conclusions.

Always with cutting-edge technology

From eye tracking and dial testing, to prediction markets and persona creation, we use only the most advanced analytical tools to get to the root of consumer behaviour, and to work out what really drives decision making.

Triangulated conclusions

Statistics and technology only form part of the picture. By triangulating between qualitative discussion, empirical data, and contextual information, we generate considered, unrivalled insight across sectors.

Behavioural-led insight

Our team of sector-leading experts uncover insights that create better products, communications and experiences. Our behavioural science-led bespoke solutions include surveys, focus groups, ethnography, research communities, workshops and creative research deliverables.




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Awards and Achievements